Your oral health is affected by many factors like lifestyle, eating habits, and hygiene practices. For this reason, it’s important to have regular checkups so that when you encounter a dental issue, your dentist can immediately determine the cause.

These dental problems can range from oral cancer to tooth loss and even a dental emergency. Fortunately, there are now a variety of oral solutions available for any issue you may encounter. They include installing partial dentures.

Partial dentures help replace your missing teeth. These removable dental prosthetics are typically made of acrylic resin and a gum-colored base. Unlike full dentures, partial ones comprise a plate with clasps that attach to your existing teeth to hold them in place.

Partial dentures are typically recommended for people who may have lost some of their teeth because of injury, decay, or extraction but still have a few healthy ones left. Like any other dental appliance, partial dentures may also sustain wear and tear because of daily activities.

But as long as you take care of it and practice good oral habits, it can last up to five years. There are many benefits of wearing partial dentures, some of which are as follows.

Partial Dentures Are Non-Invasive

One advantage of partial dentures is that it doesn’t require surgery. So, you won’t have to spend time recovering from stitches or incisions. It also means that there will be minimal to no pain involved during the procedure, allowing you to focus instead on adjusting to how your dentures feel.

Partial Dentures Help You Eat and Talk Properly

Another benefit of having partial dentures is it helps you to eat and talk properly. Losing a portion of your teeth creates gaps that typically affect your speech and ability to chew food. That’s why filling these spaces in your mouth is important, so you can continue doing your daily tasks efficiently.

Partial Dentures Help Boost Your Confidence

Tooth loss usually has a negative effect on a person’s self-esteem. Some people feel may feel embarrassed about not having a complete smile. Wearing partial dentures can help them overcome these insecurities, boosting their self-confidence.

Get Advice From Your Dentist

If you’re considering getting partial dentures but are unsure if you’re qualified for them, it’s best to get advice from your local dentist. Contact Afdent Patient Friendly Dentistry to learn more about dentures and the other services involved in getting this prosthetic. Call one of our offices in Mishawaka or Fort Wayne for details on our comprehensive dental services.