Replacing a tooth with a crown is a common dental restoration procedure and patients often wonder about the cost. Before discussing how much crowns cost, let’s first tackle everything you need to know about them:

What Is a Crown?

A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that covers the entire surface of the tooth. Its main function is to protect a tooth from large cracks, chips, and decay. Dental crowns may be recommended if you:

  • have a cavity that is too large for a filling
  • have a tooth that is cracked, worn down, or otherwise weakened
  • Have had a root canal treatment (the crown will protect the restored tooth)
  • want to cover a discolored or badly-shaped tooth

For a long time crowns that were comprised of porcelain fused to metal was the go-to material for crowns. However, there were several disadvantages that accompanied these types of crowns including

  • they often required an additional metal frame for added strength.
  • Some patients were allergic to the metal alloy framework.
  • They caused discoloration near the gum line.

At Afdent we use Zirconia crowns. They are similar to traditional porcelain crowns; however, they are made from zirconium, a silicate that can be bonded or cemented, giving our dental practitioners more options when installing them. They are much stronger than their PFM crowns and are constructed with a non-porous design, making them more resistant to chipping, cracking, and staining. And unlike porcelain, Zirconia crowns do not damage adjacent teeth due to their smooth exterior. And, you won’t have to worry about discoloration with these crowns, as they are highly translucent and better mimic the look and feel of natural teeth.

What Is the Process of Getting a Porcelain Crown?

It generally takes two dental visits at Afdent to complete the treatment. When a crown is placed, there are several steps involved.

  • Your dental professional prepares the existing tooth be removing it outer portion so the crown will fit. Any decay is also removed.
  • An impression is made to provide an exact model for the crown.
  • You will receive a temporary crown while you wait for the permanent crown to be ready. This usually takes about two weeks.
  • When the final crown is ready, we will place it in your mouth and make any necessary adjustments.

What Is the Cost of a Crown?

Like any other cosmetic dental treatment, the actual cost will depend on several factors:

  • The material used
  • Number of crowns you’ll need
  • Location of the tooth to be restored
  • And any other dental procedures that may need to be performed prior to installing the crown

Visit Afdent Patient Friendly Dentistry

If you’re planning to correct your dental issues by getting a crown, turn to no other than Afdent Patient Friendly Dentistry. We make our cosmetic dentistry treatments affordable through our financing options. So, what are you waiting for? Schedule a no-cost consultation at either of our dental offices in Mishawaka or Fort Wayne, IN to learn more about crowns costs.